
This “入学莫nday” is about the importance of the non-academic aspects of your college experience, 包括活动, 事件, 大致的mg冰球突破豪华版下载. These can be just as important as your courses. Studies show that participating in campus 事件 和 activities leads to a greater sense of belonging, 强大的友谊, 始终如一的课堂出勤率, 更好的学习成绩.

So mark the below in your calendars 和 remember to bring your purple-和-gold spirit to the 事件.


  • Throughout the Fall Term, sports 事件. Whether you’re on one of our 18 intercollegiate teams or not, sports 事件 are a fun activity where you can help cheer classmates 和 boost spirits. 参观 事件日历 for a listing of local 和 away games.

  • 9月10日, EC 俱乐部 和 组织 Fair: 学习 about the different clubs 和 organizations on campus. Get ready to sign up for the ones you want to participate in.


  • September 11: Each year the 埃尔迈拉大学 community holds commemoration 事件 to honor the lives lost during the 9/11 attacks. This includes the placement of nearly 3,000 flags in memory of those lost 和 a special one to honor EC alumnus Darryl McKinney ‘97.


  • September 22, The First Year First Service Day. First Year students will fulfill some of their service hour requirements by helping a local organization.

  • Week of September 16, Mountain Day. An annual EC tradition where part of the fun is students chanting, 唱歌, 和 pleading with the EC President to announce a Mountain Day. 当总统心软时, students get a day off from classes to enjoy activities, 放松, 和友情.


  • September 25, Community 参与ment Fair. Area non-profit organizations will share their work in the community 和 the multitude of ways students can help 和 earn community service hours.

  • 9月26日至29日,家庭周末. After giving their student time to settle into college life, families return to campus for a fun-filled weekend 和 the chance to learn more about what their student is up to.

  • 9月28日,八角博览会. Another annual tradition hosted by the Office of Alumni 参与ment, 这全社区的, family-oriented event showcases our talented student-run organizations 和 community vendors.

  • 10月12日至15日,秋季假期. About halfway through the Term, students get a moment to recharge.

  • November 23-December 1, Thanksgiving Break. Celebrate the holiday, rest, 和 prepare for exams.


  • 12月6日,节日宴会. An honored tradition where the College enjoys a family-style dinner together with seasonal cheer.

  • 12月14日,秋季2024学期结束.

你可以找到 完整的校历 和我们的 事件日历 在我们的网站上.

跟着我们走 脸谱网Instagram to learn more 和 see students as they engage in all the College offers throughout the year.
