家长 & 家庭议会使命

父母 and families play a vital role in the life of the College, 以及你通过家长的参与 & 家族委员会 will help to improve the quality of education and enhance the collegiate experience for your student. 父 & 家族委员会 supports the 埃尔迈拉大学 goal to prepare students to become active learners, 有效的领导者, 负责任的社区成员, 全球参与公民. It provides the administration with timely and insightful feedback from the families’ point of view; serves as a resource for 埃尔迈拉大学 families; and promotes meaningful connection with the College.


以文科和理科为基础的, 埃尔迈拉大学 strives for excellence in both general and professional education, providing a collaborative and supportive environment that enables students to become active learners, 有效的领导者, 负责任的社区成员, 全球参与公民. 为自己的历史和传统感到自豪, 埃尔迈拉大学 is committed to the ideals of diversity, 环境可持续性, 从实践经验中学习, 社区参与, 智力和个人成长.

家长 & 家庭议会角色:

  • Serve a one-year renewable term and attend two 家长 & 每年举行家庭议会会议. Meetings will be held bi-annually aligning with the fall and winter terms on the academic calendar. There will be a virtual option for those who can not make it to campus.

  • 为人父母 & Family Ambassadors for the College at special events, particularly those sponsored by the offices of Admissions and Institutional Advancement & Alumni参与.

  • Make a leadership gift of $1,000 or more each year of service on the 家长 & 给mg冰球突破豪华版下载基金捐款. 父母 & 家庭 who pledge a yearly gift of $1,000 or more are recognized by the 考尔斯圆 捐助者的荣誉名单. 

  • Support the College by participating in annual giving campaigns and by assisting the Office of Institutional Advancement in soliciting other parent gifts if needed.

  • 作为家长大使, spread the word about what 埃尔迈拉大学 can offer to prospective students and parents, 朋友, 企业, 高中辅导员, 以及其他利益相关方.

  • Collaborate with the Dean of mg冰球突破豪华版下载 to further enhance the student experience at 埃尔迈拉大学.

  • Contribute a story or article about your 家长 & Family experience at 埃尔迈拉大学 for the quarterly newsletter.

  • Communicate with families of accepted students to answer questions, 推广制度, 并鼓励这些学生参加.  

  • Serve as career mentors, host “job shadow” days, or host 埃尔迈拉大学 student interns.  

  • Have the opportunity to host regional events for students, Alumni, and families.

家长 & 家庭议会成员福利:

  • 在毕业典礼上预留座位和停车位.

  • Invitations to exclusive College events on- and off-campus.

  • Receive information referencing upcoming events, mg冰球突破豪华版下载的特别注意事项, 和新闻, 包括我们的季度电子通讯. 

  • Receive special privileges during Family Weekend, including advance registration and participation at the Fireside Chat with the President and Senior Officers.

  • 作为一名有价值的志愿者, you will hear from College leaders and faculty as they share their views and insight on the Elmira experience. 家长 & 家族委员会 meetings include training to help you feel more comfortable in your volunteer role, and a focus on showing you the impact of your philanthropy at Elmira.

有兴趣了解更多? Contact Sydney Stringham ’19, MSEd ’21, MS ’23, Director of Alumni参与 at sstringham@ycdwkj666.com or (607) 735-1855.
